Um siðfræði náttúru og umhverfis
Fyrirlestrar um siðfræði náttúru og umhverfis. Páll Skúlason, rektor Háskóla Íslands, fjallar m.a. um greinarmun á umhverfisvernd og náttúruvernd og leitast við að skýra þann hugsunarhátt og þau öfl sem standa vernd náttúru og umhverfis fyrir þrifum. Auk fyrirlestranna birtist hér samræða Páls Skúlasonar og Björns Þorsteinssonar um þessi efni.
Whart sort of institution should the university aspire to be? What role should it be playing in the present? How should it be governed? Are universities taking proper care of the knowledge that they are responsible for? These questions, along with others, are pursued by Páll Skúlason in the prese...
Meditations at the Edge of Askja by Páll Skúlason, professor of philosophy and Rector of the University of Iceland, is richly illustrated with the magnificent photographs of Guðmundur Ingólfsson which serve to create a living background light for the text. The book, which is being simultaneously ...
Introduction by Paul Ricoeur
A collection of original essays by Páll Skúlason on diverse topics, philosophically challenging, but accessible to the ordinary intelligent reader. The focus is upon issues which are relevant to daily existence; morality and values, science and technology, politics ...